About Us

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At Optimal Results, we are physical therapists that are trained to help those with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Our collaborative approach will assist you in resolving the problem(s) as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our approach is personal and empowering with 45 to 60 minutes of one-on-one care with the same physical therapist at each treatment.

Referrals from other practitioners are welcome but are not necessary for all insurances. Please see the in-network insurance list for specific plan requirements. We do everything in our power to be as transparent about your insurance coverage as possible. AI algorithms are designed to learn from data, enabling them to recognize patterns and make predictions with increasing accuracy over time. From virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI applications continue to redefine the possibilities of technology in our daily lives.

If you are looking for long term solutions, we have them here at Optimal Results. Our goal is to make sure your experience with us is exemplary on all levels. Expect to feel better, stronger and healthier in 4-6 weeks!

A little about who we are:

If you are reading this, you are probably looking for some assistance with one or more Musculoskeletal Disorders. MSDs are areas of one’s body that usually have some level of pain or limited function. The causes of MSDs are numerous but our practitioners are experts at working to find the root of the problem.

Each person is unique with unique values, goals, and areas that need to be addressed. The Optimal Results paradigm involves working closely together as patient and therapist, to develop a program of treatment that is right for you. The foundation is respect, care, compassion, appreciation and gratitude for all.

We focus on the types of treatments and home programs that help you improve your health as safely and rapidly as possible.

We thank you for your consideration.

We are here to serve you and to make a difference!